Physical Education: Long Term Plan
Physical Development Gross Skills Development Matters Statements
Earlier Stages
Continue to develop their movement, balancing, riding (scooters and bikes) and ball skills.
Go up steps and stairs, or climb up apparatus, using alternate feet.
Skip, hop, stand on one leg and hold a pose for a game like musical statues.
Use large-muscle movements to wave flags and streamers, paint and make marks.
Start taking part in some group activities which they make up for themselves, or in teams.
Are increasingly able to use and remember sequences and patterns of music that are related to music and rhythm.
Match their developing physical skills to tasks and activities in the setting. For example, they decide whether to crawl, walk or run across a plank, depending on its length and width.
Choose the right resources to carry out their own plan. For example, choosing a spade to enlarge as mall hole they dug with a trowel.
Collaborate with others to manage large items, such as moving along plank safely, carrying large hollow blocks.
Show a preference for a dominant hand.
Be increasingly independent as they get dressed and undressed. For example, putting coats on and doing up zips.
Revise and refine the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired: rolling, running, crawling, hopping, walking, skipping, jumping, climbing.
Progress towards a more fluent style of moving, with developing control and grace.
Develop overall body-strength, balance, coordination and agility needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines, including dance, gymnastics, sport and swimming.
Use their core muscle strength to achieve good posture when sitting at a table or sitting on the floor.
Combine different movements with ease and fluency.
Confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and outdoors, alone and in a group.
Develop over all body strength, balance, coordination and agility.
Know and talk about the different factors that support overall health and well-being in regular physical activity.
Early Learning Goals
Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others.
Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing.
Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.
Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge.
Explain the reasons for rules, knowing right from wrong and try to behave accordingly.
Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing. (Managing self)
Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others. (Building Relationship)
Foundation stage 1 and 2
At St Andrew’s International Primary School we recognize the importance of PE plays in the curriculum and are committed to providing all children with opportunities to engage fully in Physical Education. The aim of our PE programme is to develop children's basic physical competencies, build confidence in their ability and build the foundations for a lifelong love of sport, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. PE lessons encourage children to compete against themselves and others whilst being challenged to improve their physical, social, emotional and thinking skills.
These skills are embedded in the heart of our planning. Our objectives in the teaching of PE align with the National Curriculum in that we aim to ensure all pupils:
Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
Are physically active for sustained periods of time
Engage in competitive sports and activities
Lead healthy, active lives
Promote a healthy and active lifestyle
Encourage physical activity and exercise
Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
Build self-esteem, confidence and resilience
Provide all pupils with access to the lessons
At St Andrew’s, we have recently adopted the Complete PE scheme to teach our PE across the school. This scheme ensures that children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical movement skills as well as achieving whole child objectives.
PE Intent Year 1-Year 6
At St Andrew’s, each child receives 2 hours of curriculum PE time on a weekly basis, which is carefully planned and mapped out to ensure a broad and full range of skills and activities are covered. These sessions are delivered by specialist PE teachers during PE lessons. Additionally, there is an hour of dance delivered by our in-house dance teacher.
Pupils in KS1 are given ample opportunities to develop their fundamental movement skills and extend their agility, balance and coordination. They engage in competitive and cooperative physical activities through games, aquatics, dance and gymnastics.
In KS2, pupils continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching. These skills are incorporated into competitive games, performances using movement patterns and evaluations of their own and others’ work. Pupils communicate and collaborate with each other and develop an understanding of how to improve in physical activities. There are many opportunities across each academic year for children to take part in inter-school and intra school competitions, as well as festivals, where children are sporting successes and participation is celebrated. Each year group also has an opportunity to work with specialist dance/PE teachers who are highly skilled experts, producing engaging and challenging activities to ensure each child reaches their potential and has the confidence to challenge themselves beyond the norms.
Children from foundation stages to Years 6 attend swimming lessons at the on-campus swimming pool where they are taught how to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over 25m, using a range of strokes. Children who are not on track to achieve the National Curriculum requirement by the end of Year 6 are identified and attend extra lessons to improve their skills and confidence.
PE Implementation