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Computing: Intent 

Our aim is to give children a thorough and ambitious education in computing, equipping them to use technology, computational thinking, and creativity to understand and change the world. It is now more important than ever that children can use technology positively, responsibly, and safely, and that they see good models of this.

By the time they leave St. Andrew’s, children will have gained key knowledge and skills in the three main strands of the National Curriculum for Computing (2014): 

  • computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work)

  • information technology (using computer systems to create, store, retrieve and send information) 

  • digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully). 

Furthermore, from Nursery to Year 6, experiences in computing and the wider curriculum are planned to develop children’s computational thinking skills.

Our knowledge-engaged curriculum enables children to understand how computers and computer systems (such as the internet) work, and how they are designed and programmed. It ensures they know what to do if they have concerns about anything they encounter online, and how to be safe, responsible, and respectful when using the internet. 

Equally, SAIPS provides many opportunities for learners to apply their evolving knowledge imaginatively, becoming fluent and creative in their mastery of computing. The depth and breadth of our coverage aims to provide all our children with a solid grounding for future learning and the ability to become active digital citizens in the modern world.

Our computing progression framework ensures a balanced coverage of the three computing strands (computer science, information technology and digital literacy). The children work on all three strands each year. As they progress through the school, children build on their prior learning within each strand, covering new or deeper knowledge and developing their technical skills. Within all sequences of lessons, the ICT Lead Teacher plans a phase of progressive questioning which extends to and promotes the higher order thinking of all learners.  Questions initially focus on the recall or retrieval of knowledge, and help to scaffold computational thinking skills, such as pattern recognition. Questions then extend to promote application of the knowledge in a new situation and are designed to promote independence in analytical thinking.

The relevant, context-embedded computing experiences through which our knowledge-engaged curriculum is taught will benefit learners in secondary school, further education and future workplaces. From research methods, use of presentation and creative tools and computational and critical thinking, computing at SAIPS gives children the building blocks that enable them to pursue a wide range of interests and vocations in the next stage of their lives.

Our approach to the curriculum provides fun, engaging and meaningful learning for all pupils, in which the children understand not only the content that is taught but the opportunities offered to them by their computing education, enabling them to become creators and change-makers in our digital world. The impact of our curriculum and the quality of children’s learning is evident in their work, which is shared, published, and celebrated in their topic. Through cross-curricular uses of computing in other subjects, teachers can revisit misconceptions and knowledge gaps in computing in tandem with other curriculum areas. This supports the varied paces of learning and ensures all children make good progress.

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