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Art & Design: Intent 

We believe that students should take ownership of their work and should be confident enough to express their creative selves through Art and Design. This is why the skills we impart to our learners are crucial as they allow the learners to develop their artistic skills. 

At St. Andrew’s, we intend to teach children how to:

  • use a range of media to creatively design and make products

  • draw, paint, sculpt, weave and develop their ideas

  • to draw inspiration from famous artists, music and stories

  • develop a wide range of design techniques using the formal elements of design

  • reflect on their work and the work of others, through sketching, experimenting and recording these ideas in a sketchbook

  • appreciate the work of great artists from across the years, movements and the world

Our units of work are structured around 6 main artistic skills: drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, textiles and 3-D.  Our scheme of work consists of 6 half-termly units of work for each group. There may be some flexibility with this year on year. For each artistic skill, we have carefully sequenced knowledge and skills from Nursery to Year 6. We intend children to leave SAIPS  proficient in each area and ready for the demands of the KS3 Art curriculum. 

Art is taught weekly by a specialist Art teacher, with art lessons being predominantly taught in the Art Room. 

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