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Early Reading: Intent

In simple terms,  teaching children read is one of most important responsibilities we have as a primary school. We are determined to ensure that every child is able to read: to develop a love of reading, to be able access every single part of the school curriculum and to ensure they have a skill that will help them in all aspects of their life. 

What does our Early Reading approach mean for our children?

Reception & Year 1:  Sounds taught effectively and precisely. Decoding skills learnt and embedded allowing for fluency and expression. 

Year 2:  Children are able to read fluently, with pace, and with expression to enable them to comprehend effectively without spending too much time decoding words known and unknown words. 

Year 6: Children are able to read fluently and confidently, with pace, and are able comprehend accurately. They will have a level of reading that will enable them to access broader knowledge across the curriculum and a passion for reading.   

Our curriculum is very effective - but it is tightly managed and phonics is prioritised across all of EYFS and KS1. We do not have an abundance of adults and so we need to ensure that every single phonics session is the best it can possibly be, that no time is wasted and that our curriculum guarantees success. 

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